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    Dr. Mahendra Sharma, Assistant Professor, IIMR


    Completing an MBA is just the start to a lucrative and respectable career. The fight is to win the best of the companies’ top start a career with campus placement drive during the final year of the course. The tough competition among the peers makeit even more challenging when it comes to putting forward the right amount of  knowledge, skills and orientation before the recruiter and grab that one job you always dreamt of. Over a period of time various industries have evolved drastically and the dynamic nature of the market drives them to choose the best candidate for their organization.  Following paragraphs highlight the 7 most important traits recruiters look for in the prospective employee.



    A manager needs to be a good orator and also a good listener. A manager who is always a superimposing boss is hardly admired by the team members. The manager should have a very clear understanding of the organization’s motives and be able to extend the same to his team members in a way that only informs them but also motivates them to move ahead. An efficient communicator is well aware of the needs, strengths and weaknesses of his team member providing him with adequate flexibility to work with the team members.



    A manager is expected to make the organization rich through his knowledge, not only by the academic base he has but also theexperience and expertise he gains over a period of time. This knowledge sharing action helps the other employees of the organization gain adequate understanding of the job-related aspects and makes them well-equipped and preparedfor the challenges for the upcoming corporate world has to offer.



    If you ask recruiter one thing that is among the most detrimental for any organization, perhaps the answer would be an employee with negative attitude and gradually spreading it among the others. The recruiters look for people who exhibit a positive orientation. These people can make the best thing in a worst form.They always complain about small things  and are mainly very insecure in their work areas, also don’t do anything willingly and neither give their best performance .They become the disturbing agents and create the working atmosphere very pathetic to work. Hence positive individuals are in great demand.



    A chief trait of an efficient manager is to manage the work efficiently and without stress. The manager is expected to be accountable for his team’s performance and no doubt there will be instances during the work that call for on time target completion, delivery in short period and many more such jobs requires a manager to keep his cool and guide and motivate the team to pursue the goals timely and efficiently. This also calls for the manager to be emotionally stable and come out of the pressure with flying colours.



    An effective manager needs to be confident in his decision making adaptable in his approach as famously said different strokes for different folks. A better manager is very clear in his approach and finds the roots of confidence inhis knowledge base and the self-motivation he has for accomplishing the goals.



    A successful manager is one who knows how to delegate the projects and tasks or else the job becomes very difficult to complete. The manager needs to be able to delegate the tasks according to the need of the hour and the ability of his team members. Proper delegation leads to timely completion of the job and also adds to the motivation of the team members.



    Believe it or not this is something recruiters really look for in an employee. An honest and sincere employee is believed to be one who is trusted by his team and stands his grounds making the team thrive for excellence and exhibit genuine efforts in their work. This also helps the team members  achieve a higher degree of job satisfaction and  an employee who leads by example,  inspires the members of the team to exhibit a similar truthfulness in the organization.

    The above discussion makes it quite evident that a student enrolled in MBA needs to master the mentioned skills not only to enhance his management skills but also to increase his chances of getting selected in a premiere organization and start a wonderful career journey. In the same direction, selection of a college that is well-equipped with modern facilities, has highly knowledgeable faculty members, promotes student participation and assists in placements is very crucial aspect. IIMR stands best among all the colleges in Madhya Pradesh.The college has highly qualified faculty members with rich corporate and academic experience. The unique teaching pedagogy of the institute is aimed at the holistic development of the students. The students are made corporate ready by exposing them to regular industry visits and expert lectures by reputed corporate leaders. SIGs at the college help students to learn various technical and soft skills as per the latest trends in industry. Students can easily approach the top officials of the institute including the respected DG sir. The atmosphere of the institute is conducive and makes you feel at ease as if it were your second home.


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