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Director’s Message

Be the Change”

Indore Institute of Science and Technology, the flagship institution of Shail Group of Institutions has made great stride in the last 11 years and today ranks as one of the finest premier engineering college of Madhya Pradesh. It has been a nostalgic moment for me to take over as the Director of this great institution.

Each day is a new day, opening new doors of opportunities and fresh avenues, only if we are able to see through our third eye and visualise, we can ‘be the change’, as each human is a storehouse of enthusiasm, efficacy and enlightenment in transforming the dreams into reality, in bringing the change, only if we have the conviction and confidence to say, “YES I CAN” and “WE CAN”.

With this conviction we will move ahead, open new doors for learning and empowering the youth with knowledge, innovation and better understanding.

On this new dawn of knowledge expansion we are excited in our efforts in unfolding our dreams in making world class facilities available for higher Technical Education in India, making it complete as an Education-Hub with our other existing educational Institutions.

Academic excellence will be the hall mark of IIST. I will simultaneously work in stimulating the growth of quality input in our college, placement and last but not the least Extra Academic Activities.

We, the IISTians, pledge to join our hands in grooming the future leaders of our country.