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Message from HOD’S Desk

Information Technology, a discipline which is now widely recognized as an essential source of tools and techniques for advancements in nearly all spheres of human endeavors. In the span of just a few decades Information Technology based systems, principles and techniques have pervaded modern society. People from all sectors depend on critical applications developed in this field. The aim of our accredited four year B.E. programmer is to enable students to acquire specialized scientific knowledge, as well as to provide a basis for their personal, social and cognitive development. The faculty members supporting our program are experienced and highly qualified which provides an excellent environment for learning and research. Information Technology is indeed rapidly growing field with a wide range of job opportunities in India as well as abroad. It is an ideal program of study for anyone who enjoys problem solving. We here at IIST are committed to preparing our graduates to meet tomorrow’s challenges with diverse educational and research opportunities.

The department strongly believes that neither the industry, nor the academics alone have the resources to adequately deal with the quest for innovative excellence in this field of Information Technology, for global competitiveness. Hence the Institute-Industry interface programs enable the students to interact constantly with the industries. Equal importance is given to the classroom learning which is meant primarily for the theoretical or conceptual inputs of knowledge on a variety of projects.

Our ultimate aim is to create a very good learning environment for the students of this Department and to make the Department of Information Technology a Center for learning.

Wishing you every success in your studies and a rewarding and enjoyable time at IIST.

Mrs.Neha Gupta
Head of Department
Information Technology